Gangsta rap is currently being taken up as a „parallel society“ in jurisprudential research. What is ignored, however, is that gangsta rap and the law have numerous connections, starting in the late 1980s, when criminal activities were linked to rap music for the first time. Today, evidence of criminal authenticity (whether real or fictitious) is the basis for a gangsta rapperʼs reception. The core task of the judiciary is to recognize unlawful behavior, to work it out in court proceedings and, if necessary, to make special or general preventive judgments. Individuals who publicly endorse unlawful conduct or commit drug infractions, for example, must be punished. This chapter examines the current approaches to the phenomenon of gangsta rap from a jurisprudential perspective. The interpretation of the concept of art and the accompanying consideration of artistic freedom poses new challenges for the judiciary that can only be resolved with the involvement of experts.
„In dubio pro arte? Zur Kollision und Korrelation von Gangsta-Rap und Justiz im Lichte der Kunstfreiheit“ weiterlesen