Drawing on the autobiographies of the two authors, this chapter explores how different concepts and institutionalizations of the study of popular music in Germany came into being. The focus is on the history, representatives and professional image of two existing associations: GFPM and IASPM D-A-CH. Taking up the theme of the „Parallel Societies“ conference directly, we allow ourselves to be inspired by its general meaning and by the shifts in the social discourse. The history of institutionalized pop music research in both East and West Germany begins in the early 1980s, where the first generation of popular music researchers became reference points for research networks, figures of thought and methodologies. In this dialogue, we trace these constellations in the academic world of German-language popular music studies and explore from an auto-ethnographic perspective the historical, social and cultural conditions and experiences that guide the production of knowledge in popular music studies, as well as the meanings that are assigned to criteria of difference in this context.
„Echokammern der Differenz. Autoethnographische Perspektiven auf und aus Parallelgesellschaften“ weiterlesen