This chapter evaluates the musical activities of the Goethe Institutes in Turkey, focusing on their concerts organized in Ankara, Istanbul and Izmir from the late 1950s to the 2000s. Starting with concerts of mainly European art music, the musical activities in these cities underwent several style changes. Eventually, they expanded into more popular genres such as jazz, rock, alternative, electronica and even experimental music. This chapter focuses on the interactions between the political, economic and social transformations taking place in Germany, Turkey and the globalized world and the music events at the three Turkish Goethe Institutes. Based on archival research focusing on brochures, flyers and program notes, this chapter maps the events related to popular music, as exemplified by case examples that highlight certain developments in the Instituteʼs music policy. This analysis also serves as an overview of the forms of cultural exchange between Germany and Turkey, as demonstrated by the musical and cultural activities of the Goethe Institute.
„Goethe Going Pop. Von musikalischer Repräsentation zu musikbezogener Interaktion in der Musikarbeit der Goethe-Institute in der Türkei“ weiterlesenAutor: Utku Öğüt
Utku Öğüt absolvierte sein Germanistik- und Soziologiestudium an der Universität Istanbul und erlangte seinen Masterabschluss in Kunst und Design an der Yıldız Technischen Universität in Istanbul mit dem Fokus auf Performative Künste, Performancetheorie und Musik. Im Jahr 2023 schloss er seine Promotion in Musikwissenschaft an der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin ab, gefördert durch das Elsa-Neumann-Stipendium. Seine Dissertation trägt den Titel „Compositional Strategies in Contemporary Music from Turkey: Producing Through Hybridity, Mobility and Cultural Policies in the 21st Century“. Derzeit widmet er sich in seiner Forschung der Untersuchung der Rolle der Kulturpolitik in der Musikkomposition, insbesondere im Kontext der zeitgenössischen und der Neue-Musik-Szene. Kontakt: utkuogut(a)