„Parallelgesellschaften“ in populärer Musik? Ausgangsposition – Begriffsgeschichten – pop-kulturelle Bezüge

This chapter is intended both as an introduction to the conference proceedings and as a necessary framing of the conference topic, designed to illuminate different interpretations of and references to the term “parallel societies”. In accordance with our intention to initiate a joint conference of the two supposedly parallel associations for popular music research / popular music studies in German-speaking countries, a topic was chosen for the 2022 annual conference in Vienna that would make it possible to address this relationship and to undertake a critical-reflective examination of the claimed or perceived divergences in popular music and its research and mediation. This article presents the genesis and development of the contested term “parallel societies”, as well as the term’s independent existence, which deviates from academic definitions due to its often one-sided, abbreviated and exclusionary use in the mass media and in political and public debate. It reveals how a targeted connotation is established by referencing ethnicity or religious affiliation, while significant formative factors such as school education, income and social background are often ignored. Corresponding applications of the term derived from incidents in world politics are presented, as are the worrying social effects that these narratives entail for the designated people and social groups. A link is then made to pop cultural practices and how they reference the effects of “parallel societies”; finally, there is an examination of the thematisation of parallel (music) worlds as a result of digitalisation. Moreover, the chapter contains an overview of the contributions to this anthology.

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„„Parallelgesellschaften“ in populärer Musik? Ausgangsposition – Begriffsgeschichten – pop-kulturelle Bezüge“ weiterlesen

In dubio pro arte? Zur Kollision und Korrelation von Gangsta-Rap und Justiz im Lichte der Kunstfreiheit

Gangsta rap is currently being taken up as a „parallel society“ in jurisprudential research. What is ignored, however, is that gangsta rap and the law have numerous connections, starting in the late 1980s, when criminal activities were linked to rap music for the first time. Today, evidence of criminal authenticity (whether real or fictitious) is the basis for a gangsta rapperʼs reception. The core task of the judiciary is to recognize unlawful behavior, to work it out in court proceedings and, if necessary, to make special or general preventive judgments. Individuals who publicly endorse unlawful conduct or commit drug infractions, for example, must be punished. This chapter examines the current approaches to the phenomenon of gangsta rap from a jurisprudential perspective. The interpretation of the concept of art and the accompanying consideration of artistic freedom poses new challenges for the judiciary that can only be resolved with the involvement of experts.

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„In dubio pro arte? Zur Kollision und Korrelation von Gangsta-Rap und Justiz im Lichte der Kunstfreiheit“ weiterlesen

Vom Neben- und Miteinander in (pop)musikalischen Lebenswelten. Aktuelle Berichte aus der journalistischen, künstlerischen und veranstaltenden Praxis

Sarah Chaker und Michael Huber mit Amira Ben Saoud, Esra Özmen und Anne Wiederhold-Daryanavard

For this article, Sarah Chaker and Michael Huber prepared, moderated and contextualized a panel discussion that took place at the conference “Parallel Societies – Effects of Structural Juxtapositions on Popular Music, Its Research and Mediation” on 22 October 2022 at the mdw – University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna. The aim of both this event and the contribution is to make voices from Austrian (popular) musical life heard in the debate on “parallel societies”. With Amira Ben-Saoud, Esra Özmen and Anne Wiederhold-Daryanavard, prominent representatives of contemporary music life discuss the conference topic from various fields and viewpoints – cultural journalism, event management, popular music production and transcultural cultural mediation – thus providing vivid insights into their everyday professional lives, while also discussing observed or personal experiences of social inequality in everyday life and the (popular) music world. Another focus of the discussion was on the individual, subjective and professional strategies our panelists have developed to counter constructions and effects of „parallel societies“.

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„Vom Neben- und Miteinander in (pop)musikalischen Lebenswelten. Aktuelle Berichte aus der journalistischen, künstlerischen und veranstaltenden Praxis“ weiterlesen